The 2022 Athletes

  • Tsitsi Merritt

    I am Avid Cyclist, Triathlete, Runner, Wellness Coach, Strength conditioning coach, adventurer, Registered Nurse, dancer and Self proclaimed Curvy Athlete. Love to challenge myself such as riding across the country, riding up Mt Lemon, Pikes Peak , other national park summits, doing triathlon or qualifying for Multi Sport Team USA, winning 5 k races. It is all what makes me joyful. I also love helping others through coaching, intro to cycling clinics. The fellowships really gives me a sense of community that I can be around like minded people.

  • Kate Herrick Madden

    I am a 45 year old mother of two boys living in Salida, CO where I teach 7th grade sciences. I grew up in Denver playing many sports and have been a lifelong lover of the outdoors - mostly hiking and backpacking. Four years ago I bought a mountain bike and found a new way of exploring. After being selected to join the All Bodies on Bikes team I applied for and was selected to be on a second cycling team - Distance to Empty - a team dedicated to overcoming challenges and encouraging women in Colorado to participate in cycling. This summer with the support of both teams I have participated in 5 gravel race events across Colorado to prepare for SBT GRVL. A year ago I’d never heard of gravel racing and now it’s literally changing my life as I show the world that athletes come in all shapes and sizes.

  • Brian Benavente

    Yo! I'm Brian, a barista here in Portland, Oregon. When I'm not behind bar, you'll more than likely see me riding through the city. I love being around good people and enjoying all the delicious eats/drinks that the city provides. I ride to eat, I eat to ride!

  • Daniela Ochoa Diaz

    Daniela Ochoa Diaz, originally from Venezuela, moved to the DMV (DC, Maryland, Virginia) in 2015, soon thereafter she discovered triathlon by swimming alongside District Triathlon in it’s beginning stages. Feeling enriched by the community Daniela found in the multisport space, she went on to serve on the board of District Triathlon from 2017-2019, an organization working to encourage, inspire, support and increase the participation of People of Color in triathlon. Having entered the multisport community through swimming, Daniela has a deep love for swimming and helping others conquer their fears in the water. In 2018, Daniela joined the Masters Swim Program of DC Triathlon Club as a coach. Daniela is a co-founder for Perfect Timing Multisport (PTM) (@perfecttimingmultisport) and you can catch her on the (PTM) podcast interviewing some amazing athletes like all of you!

    In her 9-5 Daniela is a Reproductive Health, Rights and Justice professional and is a We Testify storyteller.

  • Sarah Deemer

    Hi, I’m Sarah! I’m an assistant professor in the Department of Kinesiology, Health Promotion & Recreation at the University of North Texas. I love being outdoors and doing things with my dog. I also love baking goodies for friends and family and am an enthusiast of the Great British Baking Show. I am super excited to be part of All Bodies on Bikes and to ride my first gravel event at SBT GRVL!!!

  • Yasmin Boakye

    Yasmin is a creative writer and instructional designer based in Maryland. A lifelong (on-and-off) runner, she picked up a love for cycling while training to compete in triathlon. She is deeply passionate about expanding access to endurance sports to marginalized bodies, identities, and communities, and loves losing and finding herself on urban trails.

  • Tim Buda

    Hey everybody! I’m Tim Buda and I’m from Chicago, IL. My wife Kellie and I have an amazing 16 year old - Finn. After falling into a pretty sedentary lifestyle throughout much of my young adulthood (I blame the philosophy degree), one day 7 years ago I dusted off the old mountain bike challenged myself to ride in an MS150. I did so to jumpstart a more active lifestyle and to support the love of my life. At the time it was the most challenging physical undertaking I had ever tackled. While that first experience didn’t go quite as planned (I actually fell asleep at a rest stop and only managed 2/3 the distance) it awakened a beast and resulted in a life changing passion for all things cycling. Since that first charity ride, I have ridden thousands of miles and had the opportunity to ride in camps, charity events, gran fondos and races throughout the country. I have made life long friends and learnt from some amazing people. Cycling has strengthened all aspects of my life - my body, my mind, and my relationships. I can’t wait to continue my journey and get others like me on a bike.

  • Maggie Lowe

    Hello world, I’m Maggie! I am a coffee-loving, adventure addict from North Carolina. I learned to love cycling on a Walmart bike that carried me 200 miles in September of 2019 to raise money for pediatric cancer research. From escalated quickly! From 200 miles in 2019 to 1,500 so far this year including my first bikepacking trip, cycling is becoming my favorite way to get lost in the woods. I am excited to help break down the wall that says Cycling is exclusive to people who look one way and ride expensive equipment. Getting on a bike and getting outside is a life-changer. So let’s do some life-changing work and get all bodies on bikes. Let’s ride!

  • Andrew Bernstein

    Andrew "Bernie" Bernstein is a life-long cyclist who started riding on the back of his Dad's bike as a child. He continued riding through adolescence before starting to race in high school and college. From 2013-2019, Bernstein was focused on track cycling and competed in international races, national championships, and Olympic Qualifying events.

    In 2019, he survived a hit-and-run that caused numerous life-threatening injuries and spinal cord damage that resulted in permanent paraplegia. He now walks with adaptive bracing and is able to ride with the help of an e-gravel bike. Andrew is excited to participate in SBTGRVL, which will be his first competitive event since the crash that nearly killed him.

  • Moniera Khan

    Having never raced in my life, 54 seems like a great age to try. Mountain biking is my first love and I'm signed up to do a 3-day stage race in April 2022. My only goal is to finish without hating my life. Now I have a second event on my calendar, on a different bike, so I'm pretty much a legit racer :) I'm that perpetual intermediate rider - which mostly means slow and cautious - but my only gauge for a good ride is the hootin' and hollerin on the trail and the size of the smiles at the end of each ride. Grateful to live and pedal in Squamish, British Columbia on the land of the Sḵwx̱wú7mesh Nation.

  • Sarah Pape

    Well hello! I live much of my life through words as an English professor, writer, and editor here in Chico, California (land of the Mechoopda peoples). Otherwise, I spend my time in the garden, walking the dog, and engaging with art, bikes, and community alongside my brilliant and inspiring family. Once, I was MVP of my junior high basketball team, so I know a competitive athlete once inhabited this mortal coil. After years of chronic back pain and surgeries, I'm looking forward to meeting her once again and seeing what this body can do on two wheels.

  • Ally Johnson

    Ally Johnson loves building community at a party pace. As the Executive Director of Bikepacking Roots, she works to create a more inclusive outdoor community, protect public lands, and create new routes. Before that, she was a high school history teacher and experiential educator. She rekindled her romance with bikes after developing a painful auto-immune disease that made it hard to hike. She lives in Salt Lake City, Utah with her partner and their Border Pit pup. She also enjoys cooking, crafting and doing the NYT crossword.

  • Florencia Dumas

    Arquitecta de profesión, mujer de muchas ideas y buscadora de sinergias.

    Narradora de historias, dibujante de sueños, ciclista lenta, defensora de utopías.

    Desde que recuerdo tengo bicicletas, y desde hace unos años las hice mi militancia y disfrute, y hasta mi tatuaje. Desde que recuerdo tengo este cuerpo y desde hace unos años elijo celebrarlo.


    Architect by profession, woman of many ideas and seeker of synergies.

    Storyteller, cartoonist of dreams, slow cyclist, defender of utopias.

    Since I can remember I have bicycles, and for a few years I made them my militancy and enjoyment, and even my tattoo. Since I can remember I have this body and for a few years I have chosen to celebrate it.

  • Bobby Arispe

    Bobby has lived in Seattle for the past eight years and has absolutely fallen in love with the PNW. He rides mountain, gravel, and road bikes across the region, usually with a camera over his shoulder.

    Bobby grew up racing cross country mountain bikes in Texas and leading charity cycling teams for BikeMS. When not on the bike or taking pictures, Bobby works at an advertising agency and enjoys traveling with his wife of 21 years and their puppy.

  • Cathy Ji

    Cathy is a bike commuter, bike tourer, hiker, backpacker, environmentalist, and adventurer. She believes in the outdoors as medicine and for her, biking is therapy. She is proud to be a plant-powered cyclist, trail runner, and occasional triathlete with Team Vegan Powered Athlete. Cathy also loves to travel, preferably as slowly as possible, and especially by bike, bus, or train. Though she typically calls NYC home, she has been amazingly fortunate enough to spend much of the pandemic exploring the US in a camper van.